SSF Covid-19 Guidelines 2nd November 2020

Following  Friday’s update on the strategic framework we have had further clarification from SportScotland on travel guidance, which has been published on the Scottish Government website.  The sport and physical activity detail has been included in an updated version of the Return to Sport and Physical Activity guidance document. A copy can be found on the SportScotland website at Please refer to section 9 for travel information.

The key message  is that exercise including surfing should be kept local wherever possible and particularly in Level 3 and Level 4 areas.

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Due to concerns regarding travelling surfers in Caithness, Jason Simpson, Chairman of the North Shore Surf Club has released the following statement;

As the Chairman of the Caithness and Sutherland North Shore Surf Club I
have been asked by the local surf community to make a statement regarding
COVID 19.  The Scottish Surfing Federation, Sport Scotland, Scottish and UK
Governments are currently advising against all non essential travel and
especially from high to low risk Tiers.  Mindful that Caithness and
Sutherland are currently in the lowest Scottish Tier there are significant
sensitivities both within the surfing and non surfing community including
land owners about the increased likelihood of COVID infection from
travellers outwith the Far North.  Accordingly, travelling surfers and
visitors should be aware that all parking and changing facilities in the
area will be secured until government advice changes.

These measures are not taken lightly but it is hoped that individuals and
groups will understand and accept the significant vulnerabilities of the
Northern Community and the fragility of local health support.

We look forward to being able to welcome our fellow surfers once this
pandemic has been defeated but until then we appreciate their continued
support in helping to maintain the integrity of the Far North’s well-being


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